

Siniša Berjan

Prof. dr

University member : Faculty of Agriculture

Date of election to the title :

Narrow scientific field : Ruralni razvoj


 Science books Total
  1. D. Sunjka, S. Lazic, S. Vukovic, S. Berjan, H. EL BILALI, "Challenges of Urban Agricultural Production from the Aspects of Plant Protection and Food Safety: A Case Study of the Republic of Serbia ", Sustainable Urban Agriculture: New Frontiers, ISBN 9781003359425, DOI , URL, 2024
  2. S. Berjan, T. Ben Hassen, H. EL BILALI, "Leveraging Ecosystem Services to Strengthen Food Production in the Western Balkans: The Promise of and Barriers to Nature-Based Solutions amid a Changing Climate", Handbook of Nature-Based Solutions to Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change. , ISBN Online: 978-3-030-98067-2; P978-3-030-98067-2, DOI, URL, 2024
  3. H. EL BILALI, R. Capone, N. DRIOUECH, S. Berjan, M. Radović, Z. Vasiljevic, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, "Alignment of Agricultural and Rural Development Policy in the Western Balkans with the European Acquis: Cases of Bosnia, Montenegro And Serbia. ", In monograph: The new solutions of the CAP 2013+ to the challenges of the EU member states agriculture. Eds Andrzej Kowalski, Mark Wigier Michal Dudek. , Vol. 91, No. 1, pp. 172-192, ISBN 978-83-7658-426-3, URL, 2013
  4. R. Øyrehagen, S. Berjan, V. Halhead, J. Rossi, B. Vilarasau, B. Bryce, J. Bryden, J. Devlin, B. Jean, "Government and Governance. In: Bryden J. M., Refsgaard K., Nordskog K., Baardsen S., Strøm Cappelen K., Lie H., Soltani A. (eds.). Comparative Perspectives on Rural Development and Policy Challenges in Sogn og Fjordane. ", NILF-report 2011–2, pp. 30-42, URL, 2011
 Scientific journals Total
  1. T. Ben Hassen, H. EL BILALI, M. Allahyari, S. Berjan, T. Osaili, D. Cvijanovic , A. DESPOTOVIĆ, D. Šunjka, "How did the COVID-19 pandemic impact consumers’ food safety knowledge, attitudes and practices? A multi-country study on the omicron variant", British Food Journal IF = 3,3 (2024), DOI, URL , 2024
  2. Ž. Vaško, A. Ostojic, T. Ben Hassen, S. Berjan, H. EL BILALI, I. Đurđić, S. Marzban, "Food Waste Perceptions and Reported Behaviours during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina", Waste Management & Research: The Journal for a Sustainable Circular Economy IF= 4.432 (2022), Vol. 1-16, DOI 10.1177/0734242X221122495, URL, 2022
  3. Ž. Vaško, S. Berjan, H. EL BILALI, M. Allahyari, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, D. Vukojević, A. Radosavac, "Household food wastage in Montenegro: exploring consumer food behaviour and attitude under COVID-19 pandemic circumstances", British Food Journal, IF = 3.224 (2021), ISSN 0007-070X, URL, 2022
  4. H. EL BILALI, S. Berjan, T. Ben Hassen, J. Memon, Ž. Vaško, M. Allahyari, "Research on food loss and waste in the Western Balkans: A systematic review. ", Frontiers in Nutrition IF= 6,59 (2022), DOI, URL, 2022
  5. Z. Bogevska, S. Berjan, H. EL BILALI, M. Allahyari, A. Radosavac, M. Davitkovska, "Exploring food shopping, consumption and waste habits in North Macedonia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences", Socio-Economic Planning Sciences IF=4,923 (2021), ISSN ISSN 0038-0121, DOI, URL, 2021
  6. T. Ben Hassen, H. EL BILALI, M. Allahyari, S. Berjan, O. Fotina, "Food purchase and eating behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey of Russian adults", Appetite journal IF=3.868 (2021), Vol. 165, ISSN 0195-6663, DOI, URL, 2021
  7. D. Sunjka, S. Berjan, A. Susnjar, J. Ecimovic, M. Pucarevic, S. Lazic, N. Stojic, L. Milosevic, H. EL BILALI, D. Boskovic, S. Vukovic, S. Mitrić, "Monitoring of Herbicide Residues in Agricultural Soils in Vojvodina Province (Northern Serbia)", Land Journal, Vol. 13, No. 9, DOI, URL, 2024
  8. S. Berjan, Ž. Vaško, T. Ben Hassen, H. EL BILALI, M. Allahyari, V. Tomic, A. Radosavac, "Assessment of household food waste management during the COVID-19 pandemic in Serbia: a cross-sectional online survey", Environmental Science and Pollution Research IF=4,223 (2020), ISSN 1614-7499, DOI, URL, 2021
  9. T. Ben Hassen, H. EL BILALI, M. Allahyari, D. Karabašević, A. Radosavac, S. Berjan, Ž. Vaško, P. Radanov, I. Obhođaš, "Food Behavior Changes during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Statistical Analysis of Consumer Survey Data from Bosnia and Herzegovina", Sustainability IF=3,251 (2020), Vol. 13, No. 15, ISSN 2071-1050, DOI, URL, 2021
  10. T. Ben Hassen, H. EL BILALI, M. Allahyari, S. Berjan, D. Karabašević, A. Radosavac, G. Dašić, R. Đervida, "Preparing for the Worst? Household Food Stockpiling during the Second Wave of COVID-19 in Serbia", Sustainability IF=3,251 (2020), Vol. 13, No. 20, ISSN 2071-1050, DOI, URL, 2021
  11. R. Capone, S. Berjan, H. EL BILALI, P. DEBS, M. Allahyari, "Environmental implications of global food loss and waste with a glimpse on the Mediterranean region", International Food Research Journal IF=1,09 (2020), Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 988-1000, ISSN 2231-7546, URL, 2020
  12. S. Berjan, V. Mrdalj, H. EL BILALI, Z. Blagojevic, F. BOTTALICO, P. DEBS, R. Capone, "Household Food Waste in Montenegro", Italian Journal of Food Science IF=0,855 (2019), Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 274-287, ISSN 1120-1770, DOI, URL, 2019
  13. V. Milić, S. Berjan, B. Govedarica, I. Đurđić, M. Jugović, T. Jakišić, G. Perković, "THE IMPORTANCE OF ORGANIC AGRICULTURE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL AREAS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, AGROTECHNOLOGIES OF THE XXI CENTURY", Proceedings of All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation Devoted to the Centennial of Higher Agrarian Education in the Ural Region , Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 36-42, ISBN 978-5-94279-434-7 , UDK 631, 2019
  14. I. Đurđić, V. Stevovic, V. Milić, T. Jakišić, B. Govedarica, M. Jugović, S. Berjan, "FORAGE PEA YIELD IN DIFFERENT AGROECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS", Agriculture & Forestry, Vol. 64, No. 1, ISSN 1800-9492 (Online) , DOI 10.17707/AgricultForest , URL, 2018
  15. R. Capone, S. Ali Arous, K. SASSI, H. EL BILALI, P. DEBS, F. BOTTALICO, G. CARDONE, S. Berjan, G. Elmenofi, A. ABOUABDILLAH, L. CHARBEL, "Bread and Bakery Products Waste in Selected Mediterranean Arab Countries", American Journal of Food and Nutrition, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 40-50, ISSN ISSN (Print): 2374-1155 ISSN (Online): 2374-1, DOI DOI:10.12691/ajfn-4-2-2, URL, 2016
  16. S. Janković, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, S. Berjan, H. EL BILALI, N. DRIOUECH, V. Tomic, "Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services in Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia: An Overview. ", International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development , Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 133-139, ISSN ISSN 2433-3700 (Online) ISSN 2185-159X (Pri, URL, 2015
  17. S. Samardzic, H. EL BILALI, S. Bajramovic, V. Kanlic, A. Ostojic, S. Berjan, A. Savkovic, "Cheese in a Suck: Exploring History, Production Area and Production Process of a Typical Herzegovinian Product", International Journal of Environment and Rural Development (IJERD), Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 74-79, ISSN 2185-159X, URL, 2015
  18. B. Panin , H. El Bilali, S. Berjan, "Factors influencing consumers’ interest in protected designation of origin products in Serbia", International Journal “Agriculture and Forestry”, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 91/97, ISSN ISSN 1800-9492 (Online); ISSN 0554-5579 (Prin, UDK 630/631, DOI DOI: 10.17707/AgricultForest.61.1.11, URL, 2015
  19. S. Berjan, H. EL BILALI, A. Stojanovic, H. Milutinovic, A. ABOUABDILLAH, D. Paspalj, S. Kocic, J. Petrovic, "Governance of Agricultural and Rural Development in Serbia: A Review", International Journal of Environment and Rural Development (IJERD), Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 11-16, ISSN 2185-159X, URL, 2015
  20. J. PETROVIĆ, N. DRIOUECH, A. Radosavac, S. Kocic, A. Stojanovic, S. Berjan, V. Milić, H. EL BILALI, "Organic Food Production as a Development Opportunity for Serbia.", International Journal of Environment and Rural Development (IJERD), Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 28-34, ISSN 2185-159X, URL, 2015
  21. H. EL BILALI, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, A. Radosavac, S. Berjan, A. ABOUABDILLAH, T. Rodic, D. Petrovic, "Perceptions of Rural Tourism Development Potential in South-Eastern Bosnia.", International Journal of Environment and Rural Development (IJERD), Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 1-6, ISSN 2185-159X, URL, 2015
  22. S. Berjan, H. EL BILALI, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, S. Janković, A. Radosavac, N. DRIOUECH, "Problems in Rural Areas of Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia: A Comparative Analysis.", International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development , Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 35-41, ISSN ISSN 2433-3700 (Online) ISSN 2185-159X (Pri, URL , 2015
  23. H. EL BILALI, S. Berjan, A. Radosavac, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, S. Janković, N. DRIOUECH, "Relation Between Rural Diversification and Governance: Some Insights from Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia", International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development , Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 140-146, ISSN ISSN 2433-3700 (Online) ISSN 2185-159X (Pri, URL , 2015
  24. S. Berjan, M. Jovanovic, V. Mrdalj, M. Paspalj, F. Matovic, N. DRIOUECH, H. EL BILALI, A. ABOUABDILLAH, "Rural Livelihood Diversification in South-Eastern Bosnia: Influence of Household Financial Management", International Journal of Environment and Rural Development (IJERD), Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 17-22, ISSN 2185-159X, URL, 2015
  25. G. Elmenofi, H. EL BILALI, S. Berjan, "Governance of rural development in Egypt", Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 285–296, ISSN 0570-1783, URL, 2014
  26. B. Panin , H. EL BILALI, A. Radosavac, H. Milutinovic, S. Berjan, V. Milić, "Relation between traditional food products and rural tourism development in Serbia", Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, Vol. Special Issue: 2, pp. 1825-1831, ISSN 2148-3647, 2014
  27. S. Berjan, H. EL BILALI, B. Sorajic, T. Le, N. DRIOUECH, H. Milutinovic, "Rural finance and credit access in south-eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina", International Journal “Agriculture & Forestry”, Vol. 60, No. 4, pp. 119-126, ISSN ISSN 0554-5579 (Printed) ISSN 1800-9492 (Onli, UDK UDC 631.16:336.7(497.6), DOI DOI : 10.17707/AgricultForest , URL, 2014
  28. N. DRIOUECH, R. Capone, S. Dernini, S. Berjan, H. EL BILALI, M. Radović, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, B. Panin , "Consumer perceptions of agro-food products with ethical values in Serbia: an exploratory study", International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 153-159, ISSN Print: 2327-2694 Online: 2327-2716 , DOI 10.11648/j.ijnfs.20130203.20, URL, 2013
  29. S. Berjan, H. EL BILALI, B. Sorajic, N. DRIOUECH, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, J. SIMIĆ, "Off-farm and Non-farm Activities Development in Rural South-eastern Bosnia.", International Journal of Environment and Rural Development (IJERD), Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 130-135, ISSN ISSN 2185-159X , 2013
  30. H. EL BILALI, S. Berjan, J. Simic, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, S. CADRO, M. Kulina, "Urban and peri-urban agriculture in Sarajevo region: an exploatory study", Journal of Central European Agriculture, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 1602-1618, ISSN ISSN 1332-9049, DOI DOI: 10.5513/JCEA01/14.4.1401, 2013
  31. H. EL BILALI, B. Panin, S. Berjan, N. DRIOUECH, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, N. Zucaro, "Impacts of the Global Financial and Economic Crisis on the Agro-Food Industry and Rural Livelihoods in Serbia", International Journal APSTRACT , Vol. 6, No. 1-2, pp. 113-118, URL, 2012
  32. M. Vittuari, H. EL BILALI, S. Berjan, "Territorial governance in rural Bosnia: the role of local institutions and organizations in Sarajevo¬-Romanija region. ", Journal of Central European Agriculture, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 131-141, ISSN 1332-9049, DOI 10.5513/JCEA01/13.1.102, 2012
  33. M. Miljkovic, H. EL BILALI, S. Berjan, " Rural economy diversification in Serbia", Research Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 684-691, ISSN 2066-1843 (printed form), 2010
  34. M. Kulina, R. Popović, S. Berjan, "Correlation between air temperature, rainfall and weekly fruit growth rate in some apple varieties", Acta Agriculturae Serbica , Vol. 13, No. 26, pp. 39-47, ISSN 0354-9542 (printed), 2008
  35. B. Drašković, S. Berjan, V. Milić, B. Govedarica, A. Radosavac, "Structure of agricultural land losses in Bosnia and Herzegovina", International Journal “Agriculture and Forestry”, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 91-101, ISSN 0554-5579 (Printed); 1800-6492 (Pnline), DOI DOI: 10.17707/AgricultForest.67.1.08, URL, 2021
  36. S. Berjan, H. EL BILALI, S. Janković, A. Radosavac, "Agricultural and rural development governance and coordination in Bosnia and Herzegovina", International journal “Economics of Agriculture“, Vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 95-107, ISSN ISSN 0352-3462, UDK UDC: 631:005.551(497.6), URL, 2015
  37. B. Panin , H. EL BILALI, S. Berjan, "Land use policies and extension approaches required for fostering urban and peri-urban horticulture and floriculture development in Novi Sad, northern Serbia.", Economics of agriculture, pp. 494-499, ISSN ISSN 0352-3462, UDK 338.43:63, 2010
  38. T. Ben Hassen, H. EL BILALI, M. Allahyari, S. Berjan, "Editorial: COVID-19 pandemic, food behaviour and consumption patterns. ", Frontiers in Public Health IF= 6,461 (2022), DOI doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1039419, URL, 2022
  39. S. Berjan, "International Journal "Agriculture and Forestry"", International Journal "Agriculture and Forestry", 2015
  40. T. Banjanin, S. Berjan, V. Milić, H. El Bilali, "State of and Conditions for Viticulture Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.", Agro-knowledge Journal, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 279-287, UDK 634.8.047:631.5, DOI 10.7251/AGREN1603279B, 2016
  41. H. EL BILALI, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, S. Berjan, N. DRIOUECH, J. PETROVIĆ, M. Kulina, K. RUSEVSKI, "Organic agriculture in the Republic of Macedonia: potential, governance, policy framework and market", Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 60/issue 1, pp. p.15-26, ISSN 0554-5579 (Printed); EISSN: 1800-6492 , UDK 631.147:[663/664:504, DOI 10.17707/AgricultForest, 2014
  42. S. Berjan, T. Le, H. EL BILALI, A. ABOUABDILLAH, N. DRIOUECH, "Saving strategies of rural households in eastern Bosnia.", Agro-knowledge Journal, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 299-308, ISSN ISSN 1512-6412, 2014
  43. S. Berjan, H. EL BILALI, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, J. SIMIĆ, M. Kulina, N. DRIOUECH, "Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services in Bosnia", International Journal of Environment and Rural Development (IJERD), Vol. 4-1, pp. p.136-141, ISSN 2185-159X, 2013
  44. N. DRIOUECH, V. Milić, H. EL BILALI, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, J. SIMIĆ, S. Berjan, M. Kulina, "Development of Organic Animal and Crop Production in Bosnia ", International Journal of Environment and Rural Development (IJERD), Vol. 4-1, pp. 196-201, ISSN 2185-159X., 2013
  45. M. Kulina, M. Radović, S. Berjan, V. Kraišnik, "Pomološke i hemijske osobine ploda krušaka gajenih u uslovima Bratunca", Agroznanje, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 357-365, ISSN 1512-6412 (PRINT), UDK 634.13-152.6(497.6 BRATUNAC) , DOI 10.7251/AGRSR1303357K , 2013
  46. H. El Bilali, S. Berjan, J. Simic, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, S. CADRO, M. Kulina, "Urban and peri-urban agriculture in Sarajevo region", Journal of Central European Agriculture, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 1585-1597, ISSN 1332-9049, DOI 10.5513/JCEA01/14.4.1401 , 2013
  47. M. Kulina, S. Berjan, "Influence of air temperature on chemical fruits composition of some apple varieties (Malus sp.). ", Journal of Аgroknowledge, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 51-59, ISSN ISSN 1512-6412, 2009
  48. M. Kulina, S. Berjan, "Uticaj temperature vazduha na hemijski sastav plodova kod nekih sorti jabuke (Malus sp.)", Agroznanje, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 51-59, ISSN 1512-6412= Agroznanje., UDK 634.11:631.526.32, 2009
  49. M. Kulina, S. Berjan, "Korelacioni odnos temperature vazduha, padavina i vrijednosti prirasta mladara kod nekih sorti jabuke (Malus sp.)", Agroznanje, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 51-59, ISSN 1512-6412= Agroznanje, UDK 634.10: 581.5 , 2008
  50. M. Kulina, S. Berjan, "The influence of climatic factors on the growth of trunk circumference of different apple varieties. ", Journal of Agroknowledge, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 27-27, ISSN 1512-6412, 2007
  51. M. Kulina, S. Berjan, "Uticaj klimatskih faktora na rast debla u širinu kod različitih sorti jabuke", Agroznanje, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 27-37, UDK UDK:634.10 , 2007
  52. M. Kulina, R. Popović, S. Berjan, "Korelacioni odnos temperature vazduha, padavina i vrednosti prirasta plodova kod nekih sorti jabuke ", Acta agriculturae Serbica, pp. 39-47, ISSN 0354-9542, eISSN 2560-3140, UDK 581.143.613.1]:634.11., URL veb adresa, 2008
  53. T. Jakišić, S. Berjan, "DETERMINING THE NEED OF ALFALFA FOR WATER IN THE CONDITIONS OF SARAJEVO AREA (BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA)", AGROFOR International Journal,, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 148-153, ISSN ISSN 2490-3442 (Online), UDK UDC 633.31:635-16, DOI DOI: 10.7251/AGRENG1602148J , URL, 2016
 Scientific conferences Total
  1. H. EL BILALI, S. Berjan, R. Capone, "Green economy: opportunities for Bosnian agriculture and rural areas", Book of Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of the Faculty of Economics Brcko “Partnership of Government, Business and Higher Education Institutions in Fostering Economic Development”; November 10-12, 2016, pp. 14-27 , 2016
  2. R. Capone, H. EL BILALI, P. DEBS, F. Lorusso, S. Berjan, "Food environmental sustainability in Bosnia, Italy and Serbia: water, ecological and carbon footprints", Third International Scientific Symposium “Agrosym 2012”, Jahorina, November 15-17, No. 74-80, ISBN 978-99955-751-0-6, URL, 2012
  3. H. EL BILALI, M. Vittuari, S. Berjan, "Agricultural and rural development governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina: policies, institutions and processes", International Scientific Symposium “Agrosym Jahorina 2011”, pp. 70-81, 2011
  4. V. Milić, B. Drašković, S. Berjan, B. Govedarica, I. Đurđić, M. Jugović, T. Jakišić, G. Perković, "THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGES ON CROP PRODUCTION IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, AGROTECHNOLOGIES OF THE XXI CENTURY", Proceedings of All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation Devoted to the Centennial of Higher Agrarian Education in the Ural Region, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 72, ISBN ISBN 978-5-94279-434-7, UDK 631, 2019
  5. B. Drašković, S. Berjan, H. El Bilali, V. Milić, "Agricultural area changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 2000 and 2012", Book of Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference “Scientific and technological development, modeling, management and solutions for computer-aided activities of agricultural producers in the region”, 22nd of March 2017, pp. 144-150, ISBN 978-5-94279-357-9, 2017
  6. G. Perković, S. Berjan, B. Govedarica, I. Đurđić, R. Bodiroga, A. Tomić, "Organic agriculture in function of sustainable development of rural areas of the Republic of Srpska", Book of Proceedings of the 22th International Symposium on Biotechnology, 10- 11 March 2017, pp. 153-158, ISBN 978-86-87611-47-4, 2017
  7. I. Salm, H. EL BILALI, S. Janković, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, S. Berjan, N. DRIOUECH, V. Tomic, "Agricultural extension and advisory system in Sudan: a review", Book of Proceedings of the 21th International Symposium on Biotechnology, 11- 12 March 2016, Vol. 21, pp. 81-86, 2016
  8. R. SENGUPTA, N. GHORAI, S. Kumar BASU, P. ZANDI, S. Berjan, S. CHLALARAS, S. BHATTACHARYYA, "Prevalence of central obesity in school students (aged 8-16 years) of rural southern west Bengal, India: based on anthropometrical studies", Book of Proceedings of the VII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2016”; 6-9 October, 2016, pp. 2768-2778, ISBN 978-99976-632-7-6, URL, 2016
  9. S. Stankovic, S. Janković, S. Berjan, V. Tomic, N. Tolimir, "Agricultural advisory and training in Serbia: the case study of the Institute for Science Application in Agriculture.", Book of Proceedings of the VI International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2015”, pp. 1966-1972, ISBN 978-99976-632-2-1, URL, 2015
  10. S. Ali Arous, H. EL BILALI, L. Guezlane, N. DRIOUECH, S. Berjan, H. Ould Youcef, "Agricultural extension and advisory services in Algeria", Book of Proceedings of the VI International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2015”, pp. 1809-1814, ISBN 978-99976-632-2-1, URL, 2015
  11. M. Melaouhia, H. EL BILALI, N. DRIOUECH, S. Berjan, R. Bodiroga, "AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION AND ADVISORY SERVICES IN TUNISIA", Book of Proceedings , Sixth International Scientific Agrucultural Symposium „Agrosym 2015“, pp. 1985-1993, ISBN 978-99976-632-2-1 , URL, 2015
  12. S. Jovičić, B. Popov, H. EL BILALI, M. Jovanovic, R. Bodiroga, A. Radosavac, S. Berjan, "Citizens' attitudes towards environment in urban settings of northern Serbia: an exploratory empirical research in Novi Sad municipality.", Online Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference Rural Development 2015, 19-20 November 2015, ISSN ISSN 1822-3230 / eISSN 2345-0916, ISBN eISBN 978-609-449-092-7, DOI, URL , 2015
  13. G. Elmenofi, H. EL BILALI, S. Berjan, "Contribution of extension and advisory services to agriculture development in Egypt", Book of Proceedings of the VI International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2015”, pp. 1874-1880, ISBN 978-99976-632-2-1, URL, 2015
  14. A. DESPOTOVIĆ, H. EL BILALI, N. DRIOUECH, V. Milić, S. Berjan, "Agricultural and rural development policy cycle in Montenegro: design, implementation and evaluation. ", Proceedings of 48th Croatian and 8th International Symposium on Agriculture, pp. 161-165, ISBN 978-953-7871-08-6, 2013
  15. V. Milić, B. Govedarica, M. Šilj , S. Berjan, Z. Jovović, "EFFECT OF AGRO-ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS ON GRAIN YIELD IN SOME GENOTYPES OF BUCKWHEAT", IV International Symposium „Agrosym 2013“, pp. 191-195, URL, 2013
  16. S. Berjan, V. Milić, H. EL BILALI, N. DRIOUECH, S. Samardzic, "Exploring linkages between urban agriculture and social capital in Sarajevo region. ", Proceedings of 48th Croatian and 8th International Symposium on Agriculture, pp. 123-127, ISBN 978-953-7871-08-6, 2013
  17. H. EL BILALI, S. Berjan, N. DRIOUECH, L. Ahouate, A. ABOUABDILLAH, A. Najid, I. ROUINI, K. Azim, "Agricultural and rural development governance in Morocco", Third International Scientific Symposium “Agrosym 2012”, Jahorina, November 15-17, pp. 661-667, ISBN 978-99955-751-0-6, URL, 2012
  18. H. EL BILALI, S. Berjan, J. SIMIĆ, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, S. CADRO, L. Stojkovic, "International aid to Bosnian agriculture, forestry and rural development in the post-war period. ", Third International Scientific Symposium “Agrosym 2012”, Jahorina, November 15-17, pp. 628-636, ISBN 978-99955-751-0-6, URL, 2012
  19. S. Berjan, H. EL BILALI, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, M. Jovanovic, "Role of advisory services in promoting multifunctional agriculture and sustainable rural development in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina.", 20th European Seminar on Extension Education, Finland, pp. 50-54, ISBN 978-951-9411-54-5, 2011
  20. S. Berjan, M. Vittuari, "Role of local governance in promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development in Sarajevo-Romanija region", 5th International Consumer Sciences Research Conference, University of Bonn, Germany, pp. 32-34, 2011
  21. S. Berjan, H. El Bilali, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, M. Joksimović, V. Tomic, S. Lalić, "Agriculture and Green Economy in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Multifaceted Relation. ", Abstracts of the 8th International Conference on Environmental and Rural Development, pp. 98, 2017
  22. A. Zheliaskov, H. El Bilali, S. Janković, O. Fotina, S. Lalić, S. Berjan, "Approach to Optimizing Rural Municipal Districts Delimitation and Organization in Russia", Abstracts of the 8th International Conference on Environmental and Rural Development, pp. 88, 2017
  23. A. DESPOTOVIĆ, M. Jovanovic, H. El Bilali, S. Stankovic, M. Joksimović, S. Berjan, "Diversification of Rural Livelihoods and Local Economy in Montenegro", Abstracts of the 8th International Conference on Environmental and Rural Development, pp. 19, 2017
  24. H. El Bilali, M. Hauser, S. Berjan, O. Miseckaite, L. Probst, "Rural livelihood transitions: towards an integration of the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach and the Multi-Level Perspective", Abstracts Book of the 8th International scientific conference Rural Development 2017; November 23-24, 2017 , pp. 324-325, ISBN 978-609-449-123-8, 2017
  25. O. Miseckaite, H. El Bilali, S. Berjan, "Water footprint of food production and consumption in Lithuania", Book of Abstracts of the VIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2017”; 5-8 October, 2017, pp. 965, ISBN 978-99976-632-9-0, 2017
  26. I. Đurđić, V. Stevovic, V. Milić, T. Jakišić, B. Govedarica, M. Jugović, S. Berjan, "Yield of green mass and hay in respect of pea variety, food and Agroecological conditions", Book of Abstracts of the VIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2017”; 5-8 October, 2017, pp. 477, ISBN ISBN: 978-99976-632-9-0, 2017
  27. S. Berjan, H. EL BILALI, A. DESPOTOVIĆ, A. Radosavac, M. Joksimović, N. DRIOUECH, "Access to Financial Resources in Rural Areas of Bosnia, Montenegro and Serbia.", Abstracts of the 7th International Conference on Environmental and Rural Development, Phnom Pen, Cambodia, 16-17 January 2016, pp. 72, 2016
  28. R. Capone, S. Ali Arous, K. SASSI, H. EL BILALI, P. DEBS, F. BOTTALICO, G. CARDONE, S. Berjan, G. Elmenofi, A. ABOUABDILLAH, L. CHARBEL, "Bread waste in Mediterranean Arab countries", Book of Abstracts of the 5th International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences “Agrores 2016”; 29 Feb-03 March, 2016, pp. 22, ISBN ISBN 978-99938-93-37-0, 2016
  29. M. Glavinic, M. Jovanovic, S. Berjan, H. EL BILALI, S. Jovičić, A. Radosavac, "Environmental Sensitiveness of Urban Citizens in Serbia: Case of New Belgrade Municipality", Abstracts of the 7th International Conference on Environmental and Rural Development, Phnom Pen, Cambodia, 16-17 January 2016, pp. 180, 2016
  30. D. SECK, S. Janković, H. EL BILALI, S. Berjan, N. DRIOUECH, V. Tomic, "Extension and Advisory Services in Senegal. ", Abstracts of the 7th International Conference on Environmental and Rural Development, Phnom Pen, Cambodia, 16-17 January 2016, pp. 93, 2016
  31. I. MOFFEREH, H. EL BILALI, S. Berjan, "Extension services in Sudan: an overview.", Book of Abstracts of the VI International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2015”; 15-18 October, 2015, pp. 769, ISBN 978-99976-632-1-4, 2015
  32. V. Tunguz, L. Nesić, S. Petronić, M. Mojević, S. Berjan, M. Jugović, "The application of WRB guide at the selected sities of eastern Herzegovina. ", Book of Abstracts of the VI International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2015”; 15-18 October, 2015, pp. 603, ISBN 978-99976-632-1-4, 2015
  33. R. Capone, H. EL BILALI, S. Dernini, P. DEBS, G. CARDONE, S. Berjan, "Exploring the environmental, health and economic sustainability of the current food consumption patterns: The Mediterranean dietary paradox. ", Book of abstracts of the II International Symposium and XVIII Scientific Conference of Agronomists of Republic of Srpska, pp. 59, 2013
  34. M. Kulina, S. Berjan, "Uticaj temperature vazduha na klijavost polena kod nekih sorti jabuke (Malus sp.)", XIV Savjetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem. Zbornik radova, Vol. 14 (15), pp. 233-241, ISBN 978-86-87611-18-5, 2009