

Nataša Miletić

Viši asistent

University member : Faculty of Medicine

Date of election to the title :

Narrow scientific field :


 Scientific journals Total
  1. S. Milovanović, J. Kordić-Bojinović, S. Đorđević, D. Drakul, D. Sokolović, N. Miletić, D. Blagojević, "The importance of potassium channels in the mechanism of the relaxing effect of pentoxifylline on isolated rat uteri ", Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 55-64, ISSN 1820 – 8665, DOI 10.5937/SJECR14-3972, 2013
  2. D. Drakul, D. Sokolović, N. Miletić, M. Kulić, S. Đorđević, V. Jakovljević, S. Milovanović, "Role of sex and endothelium in the relaxing effect of pinacidil on isolated bloodvessels of normotensive and sponaneously hypertensive rats", Biomedicinska istraživanja , Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 1-8, ISSN 1986-8537, UDK 615.225:616.12-008.331.1, DOI 10.7251/BII1402001D, 2014
  3. N. Ognjanović, N. Miletić, "Post-traumatic stress disorder and correlated anatomical structures", Medicinski časopis , Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 227-231, ISSN 0350-1221, DOI 10.5937/mckg46-2668, 2012
 Scientific conferences Total
  1. N. Elez Burnjaković, N. Miletić, M. Račić, M. Kulić, "Investigation of epidermal growth factor receptor polymorphism of lung cancer patients", First Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia with international participation, September 20 – 22th, 2017, Belgrade, Serbia , pp. 224, ISBN 978-86-7078-136-8, 2017
  2. N. Elez Burnjaković, N. Miletić, D. Radulović, "Cancer-molecular therapy advantages versus conventional medicine therapy-perspectives in Republic of Srpska", Symposium of Genetics BiH ,,Biotechnology in Medicine and Agriculture" with International Participation, Book of Abstracts, pp. 66, 2015